We envision a church that:
- Welcomes all newcomers and encourages fellowship through social events and opportunities for outreach and service, collaborating with others in service of the common good.
- Strives for justice and peace among all people; that gives our time, treasure, and talents to serve vulnerable populations such as the poor, the sick, the hungry, the oppressed, and those in prison.
- Values the liturgy and worship of the Episcopal Church; that is both grounded in tradition and open to the world.
- Nurtures an active prayer life and encourages spiritual growth in Communion with God.
- Fosters the clarification of Christian thinking through study, reflection, and discussion; that recognizes these pursuits as vital to the practice of Christian charity and humility in a broken world.
- Is committed to growing a vibrant and diverse Christian community; that develops its resources to follow God’s call.
- Has reverence for the earth as God’s own creation and uses its resources rightly in the service of others; that advocates for responsible stewardship of the earth locally and globally.
- Celebrates the gifts of every phase of the journey of life and appreciates the contributions of everyone, from our youngest to our oldest members.
- Appreciates music in worship and seeks to include musical contributions from all members of the community.
- Stewards the legacy of our historic building; that opens our doors to host other communities of faith; that invites all to share our grounds as a place of beauty and peace in the heart of Waltham.