Dear Friends, Beginning next week, I will be on vacation until August 2nd. You will have a variety of supply clergy (maybe a few long-time friends!) for Sunday, and information and pastoral needs can be directed to the Wardens Chris
Dear Friends, Beginning next week, I will be on vacation until August 2nd. You will have a variety of supply clergy (maybe a few long-time friends!) for Sunday, and information and pastoral needs can be directed to the Wardens Chris
What is a Rector? is a question I hear often, both from members of a parish and from outsiders. Everyone has met a Rector, and most people have some ideas. I thought we might take a deep dive into the
Dear Friends, Liturgy in Greek means the work for the people, or work done with the people. As the people of God, the liturgy is the work we do with one another in order to worship and praise God. The
Physical Health: How Seniors Can Benefit from Church by Jason Lewis at – When it comes to improving the health of the elderly, there are very few weekly activities that can rival the transformative act of attending church. It
Dear friends, In some homes by now the tree has been taken down, perhaps decorations put away. Stores are advertising year-end sales. Some people have already bought presents and cards for next year at significant savings. In the church it
Dear Christ Church Friends, We are all familiar with what is called “the Serenity Prayer” God grant me the serenity, To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference.
Dear Christ Church Friends, The pre-Christmas craziness has begun again. As Christians, and especially as Episcopalians, we know that these 4 weeks leading up to Christmas are a different season–the season of Advent. But somehow, the culture around us has
Dear Christ Church Friends, Giving thanks to God is our daily work. Sometimes it is easy to be grateful, and sometimes it is very hard. As always, Mary Oliver says it best. The Gift by Mary Oliver Be still, my
Dear Christ Church Friends, This coming Sunday, we will fill out and bless pledge cards to reflect back the generous gifts God has given us. One of the many themes of Christian life is showing God our gratitude. What is
Dear Christ Church Friends, A Word from The Rev. Sarah K. Fisher Imagining the Promised Land The Israelites knew what it meant to journey from scarcity to abundance. They did it time and time again. They fled by night, trusting